
Built with lots of ☕, &
Software engineer by trade, cycling & outdoors enthusiast


Analytics & Tracking

This website uses the third-party Google Analytics tool to track user interactions and visitations. The data collected by Google Analytics in no way personally identifies you. The “Do Not Track (DNT)” header is respected and will disable all tracking if enabled. Disqus, a third-party embeddable commenting module may collect identifiable data. A link to their privacy policy can be found attached to each Disqus instance.

Reasons for use?

This data is used to better understand the needs of visitors of the website. Future feature decisions will be influenced by this data. Areas that require work will also be easier to distinguish with this data.

Data Storage

This website persists some data in the form of cookies & local storage. This will be stored within your browser.

Reasons for use?

Certain features make use of the browser storage to persist some data for future visits to the website. You can clear this data and disable cookies on this website if you do not want this data stored. Google Analytics & Disqus also makes use of cookies.

Mailing List

The mailing list is handled by the third-party marketing platform: Mailchimp. The only information required to subscribe to the list, is an email address (However the option to specify a first-name is provided, but not required, for basic email personalisation).

Reasons for use?

The list is only used to provide an update when new content on this site goes live and you can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time via the subscribe/unsubscribe button found on the homepage, or alternatively, click here to unsubscribe.


If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at:

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